©copyright 2020 XGlab
This project aims to build the cell atlas of a healthy adult human heart. We collected samples from multiple sites of human hearts and built a skeleton human adult heart atlas.The atlas reveals multi-level spatial heterogeneiyt of cardiac cells,vertical gradients in gene expression of cardiomyocytes in left ventricle and vasculature zonation of vessel-associated cells.
Hierarchical Spatial Organization of collected data
Sample Organization
This skeleton atlas reveals multi-level spatial patterns of heterogeneity of cardiac cells. Here we present 2d visualizations of different cells types across different anatomical regions. You can color cells according to their metadata (left) and expression level of certain gene (right).
Please select the cells and genes you are interested in:
Cell Type
Color by
Find Gene
Besides regional variations across the heart, the atlas also reveals the vertical gradients in gene expression of cardiomyocytes in the left ventricle. We built a spatial trajectory of cardiomyocytes streching along the endo-to-epi axis. You can search any gene below to see its expression pattern along the endo-to-epi axis.
The black lines below represent the Endo-to-epi Axis:
Find Gene
Our study shows that the vasculature coordinate (artery-capillary-vein axis) of the complex vascular bed is clearly reflected by the expression pattern of perivascular cells, especially the endothelial cells (ECs). Here we show the trajectory of ECs corresponding to the artery-capillary-vein axis. You can search any gene below to see its expression pattern along the artery-capillary-vein axis.
The coordinate here is the Artery-capillary-vein Axis:
Find Gene
Seurat object of the data (with expression matrix, metadata and embeddings) can be downloaded here.
Last Updated: 2022/06/06
For questions related to this reseach, please contact:
BNRist and Department of Automation
Tsinghua University
zhangxg [at] tsinghua.edu.cn
Fuwai Hospital
fwsongjiangping [at] 126.com
Fuwai Hospital
huss [at] fuwaihospital.org
For technical feedbacks, please contact:
Kui Hua (stevenhuakui [at] gmail.com)
Fanhong Li (lfh18 [at] mails.tsinghua.edu.cn)